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Election day is June 11
Polls are open 7:00 am to 7:00 pm

David PascoeFriends of Calhoun, Dorchester & Orangeburg Counties,

Because of your trust and support,  I’ve been honored to serve as your Solicitor for the First Circuit since 2005. In those nearly 20 years, I have pursued justice without fear or favor.

Violent crime and repeat offenders have been and remain the focus of our office.  As your chief prosecutor, I’ve successfully tried over 200 violent crime cases. Together, we’re holding criminals accountable for their actions and making our community safer.

The work to create a safer community doesn’t stop there. As your solicitor, I’ve implemented policies that decrease recidivism and give non-violent offenders a second chance. I believe that justice also requires grace. 

With your help, we’ve instituted drug courts in the First Circuit, which gives people charged with simple possession a pathway to a better life. We’ve also worked in collaboration with our churches to start the Youth Mentor Program, which has served as a lighthouse to kids  at-risk of falling into a life of crime. These programs have helped deserving participants remain in our community as productive friends and neighbors, and I am proud that they have served as a model for other circuits in our state. 

While serving as your Solicitor, I’ve also fought the corrupt political establishment in Columbia. In 2014, I accepted the appointment as special prosecutor in charge of the public corruption probe of our state Legislature. Our office’s investigation and prosecution led to the conviction of five powerful lawmakers who traded on the public trust and their office to enrich themselves. These convictions serve as a powerful reminder that no one is above the law.  

While I am proud of the work under my administration,  there is still so much to be done. That’s why I’m running for reelection and why I’m once again asking for your vote in the Democratic primary on June 11th. 

Together, we can continue the work of making Calhoun, Dorchester, and Orangeburg a safer, more prosperous, and more just place to live, work, and raise a family.

Your friend and neighbor,

David Signature

David Pascoe

Committee to Re-elect Solicitor David Pascoe

We’re on Team Pascoe!

Senator John Matthews
Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter
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